This impact story was published by Divine Waters Uganda. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Joan has clean water!

Joan Okeng with her two children fetching at Bung well
Dear Sally, Caleb, Akiko, and Shannon,

Joan is 45 years old and lives in a small village in Northern Uganda. Before a well was drilled in her village, she and her family collected unprotected spring water. Whenever it would rain the color of the water would turn to a milky white, and they would find rubbish in it. As a result, she and her family were frequently sick.

The well which your donation supported and that was drilled by Divine Waters Uganda has greatly improved her life. She no longer has to travel a long distance for unhealthy water, and she also has water to spare for things like cleaning and doing dishes.

She looks forward to building a new life with the opportunities now provided to her! Thank you all for your combined support of Joan and her family.

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