This impact story was published by Divine Waters Uganda. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Dorcus now has water to wash her clothes!

Akello Dorcus Fetching her water
Dear Chris, Pooja, and glen,

Nineteen year old Dorcus left school during her sophomore year due to the inability of her widow mother to pay her school fees. She and her six siblings live together in the village of Alam in northern Uganda.

Dorcus is very happy to have a new water source in her village, which she uses for washing clothes. She reports that in the past it was very hard to collect a sufficient quantity of water for regularly washing clothes and the water didn’t wash clean white clothes. Today, there is plenty of clean water that one can use anytime to wash, even very white clothes.

Thank you all for your generous support, which provides clean water for ten people in this village. Special thinks to Glen, who provided water for 8 people!

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