This impact story was published by Divine Waters Uganda. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

A sustainable resource for Wilbert and his village

Dear Katie,

Thank you for coming together to support Divine Waters Uganda (DWU) and Tom. DWU seeks to transform communities from poverty using the WASH approach – Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene. This comprehensive solution involves installing wells, constructing latrines, repairing hand pumps and providing biosand water filters. As a result of your combined efforts, Wilbert and his community received a well and now have access to safe water.

I am Wilbert, the L.C.1 (local government official) of Acan Pe Winyo Abwote, a village in Uganda. Before this well was constructed, we drank from the river and people suffered from diarrhea, cholera, bilharzia and skin rashes. Since this well was constructed three months ago, such cases have greatly reduced. Thank you, Katie, for your kindness. We shall do every thing within our means to ensure the sustainability of this new resource.

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