This impact story was published by Divine Waters Uganda. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Bicantina no longer collects water at an unprotected spring

Bicantina of Te- Akang 50 years old of Te- Akang pumping their new well
Dear Alice and Brad, Bill and Colleen, Kelly, Sterling and Melinda, Molly, and Julian,

While pumping the well drilled by Divine Waters Uganda, Bicantina said she used to walk for a long distance in search of clean water for drinking. Often, the source she relied on was an unprotected spring. It was dirty with cow dung and pigs also used the same water source for cooling their bodies.

She went on to say that life has become joyful for them because of the clean well drilled in her village. It is the first well of its kind in the village of Te-akang, in northern Uganda.

Your generous donations helped provide this well and clean water for Bicantina and 9 others in her village!

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