This impact story was published by Divine Waters Uganda. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Hilda can now collect water for her younger siblings!

Hilda fetching water as her friend pumps
Dear Charlie, Bill and Colleen, Kandace, Luke and Ani, Marc, Mark and Lynn, Peter and Kim, Pradeep, Rajeev, and Rao,

Hilda is a ten year old girl who attends third grade at Arwot Primary School in rural Northern Uganda. She likes all of her subjects at school. She loves her mom very much and is very pleased when her mom is able to rest at home or do other things while she fetches water for the family.

In the past, due to the distance to the former water source, she could not fetch water for her mom in the morning before going to school. Instead, her mom would walk a long distance each day to collect water for the family.

Now Hilda finds it a joy to wake up early and take home water for her mom to use while she is at school. She is able to fetch all the water needed for her family. Hilda is the oldest of seven and likes to be able to help with her younger siblings.

Thank you for your generous donations, which have provided a source of water for ten people in this community!

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